I finished The 13 Secrets yesterday and I can now say definitively that I did not like it as much as the first two books.
1. There was more violence in this book and it was more graphic than I would prefer for the age group. These books are really aimed at tweens (11-13) not full-fledged young adults (YA) so I think the violence was too much.
2. I was not sure what would go on in book 3 because two ended so nicely, but Harrison did a good job of bringing an element of book 2 in as the conflict for book 3. However, I felt the explanation of the "13 secrets" was sort of.....lame. I can handle figurative meaning but it felt like a stretch.
3. I was happy with Tanya, Fabian, and Rowan, but felt Rose and Florence were not strong characters. It would have been nice for the last book to go back to the strengths and unique qualities of these role model women and they were just a let down.
So I bought the Picoult book yesterday, but felt I should finish the last 40 pages of The 13 Secrets first, then my sweetie wanted to watch a movie (We watched Red, which reminded me yet again why I get a little swoony over Bruce Willis.), then I had to sleep (Not having to sleep would be the only reason I would want to be a Twilightseries type vampire.). SOOOO, I have not started the book yet...but I will right after work TODAY!