Generally I find it pretty irritating when people who already have fame and fortune in one arena feel the need to seek it in another. Really, must singers/actors/artists also be famous as writers/fashion designers/perfumers? Wouldn't it be nicer to leave those spots open for someone who is not already famous, spread fame and fortune around a bit. Case in point: Madonna and Ethan Hawke had no business writeing books. I am a humble librarian and normal person and I would love to be a writer, but the chances of getting my fabulous book (which I have yet to write) published is almost nil, whereas someone who already has name recognition in another area can slap some crap on a piece of paper and in a few weeks it has its very own display at big box book stores. THIS IS NOT FAIR! (John Grisham, with your Theodore Boone debacle, I am talking to you!)
Happily I can say the above does not apply to Wildwood by Decemberists songwriter and lead singer Colin Meloy, despite his double whammy of fame, as his wife is a children's book illustrator.
One day as Prue takes her baby brother Mac out for a stroll he is carried away by crows. Thus begins Prue's adventure in the "Impassable Wilderness" to get him back. As it turns out, both Prue and her brother, as well as her friend Curtis are significantly connected to the magical world of the Woods, where coyotes are soldiers for the Dowager Governess Alexandra, rats can be good friends, and bandits may not be so bandity after all. The action is pretty steady with moments of introspection for our main characters to reflect on the amazing sights and their role in this world and home. Really a lovely story, well-written and illustrated aptly for this fantasy world.