I was so anxious after I read Matched for Crossed to be released, luckily I calmed down because I had to wait almost a year. Crossed did not disappoint. It does feel like the middle book in a series, but it was a really good middle. A few new characters were introduced who we know are going to be important before the story can be resolved. Just as the first novel took place almost entriely in the Society, this one is almost entirely outside it. This book has the same rhythm as the first. A bit suspenseful, some action, but really a story of mixed perspectives (told by Ky and Cassia) on the Society and their mysteries activities, as well as the Rising and those who live between: neither a part of the Society nor part of the groups trying to rebel. These are people who simply want to be left alone to live as normally as they are able. Ky and Cassia must decide where they will fit if they want to be together and stay true to their beliefs.
Cassia tends to be a character I like, but I do find her a bit selfish sometimes. Ky is brave and strong, but vulnerable and kind just as we want in a romantic hero in a horrific situation. I look forward to the third book with great hopes for Cassia and Ky.