is how I know I will never be a writer. I mean how does he come up with these things. I enjoyed Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist and Dash and Lily's Book of Dares that Levithan wrote with Rachel Cohn. (I did not really like Naomi and ELy's No Kiss List.) I also loved Will Grayson, Will Grayson by Levithan and John Green. All of these books are mind bogglingly clever with an interesting approach without being weird or unrealistic. How does he do it?!?!?
Every Day is the story of A., a spirit, boy, girl, person, something, who wakes up in a different body every day. His/her life has always been this way. As a child he/she thought this was the way everyone lived, then he/she discovered his/her uniqueness. It is not until A. falls in love with Rhiannon that the trouble begins. Before this, A. has always striven not to have much of an impact on the life of the daily host. After the day he spends as Rhiannon's boyfriend Justin, A. makes an effort to see her as whomever he is that day. The story is clearly fantasy and actually reminded me a bit of the Things Not Seen series by Andrew Clements. As A. grows more and more frustrated with his/her lot in life we come back to the ever present "search for identity" motif in teen literature. Levithan has turned this on its head by making it impossible, or so it seems for A. to have an identity, or is it his very lack of a permanent physical manifestation that makes his identitiy all that he does have.
Lots of interesting questions and issues at work here.