When I began back in 2011 I thought I would review books. And I did, I tried, but I lost momentum because what I really want is to write about books, about what they mean to me, and what each has given me.
In addition to writing my own reviews, I read the reviews of others. It was this that caused me to accept that reviews are more subjective than I had known. This should not have been a revelation to me. I had read plenty of reviews of books I had read and loved when the reviewer did not and vice versa. I kept up with my reviews and commentary, but lost my enthusiasm to write as regularly as I would have liked and would be needed to attract readers.
This is the first post in what I hope will be a new direction, leading toward more engaging writing about the books I am reading, the ones I am avoiding, and the experiences I have had related to reading and books.
Look for my next post on Monday about how isolation and more free time because of COVID-19 have changed what and how I am reading.